:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: You must have created your Passport account
:arrow_forward: **The obtained badges can be managed on the platform** **[https://openbadgepassport.com](https://openbadgepassport.com)**
**:arrow_forward: When you apply for a WISE badge, for example, you can set its visibility. Let's take the example of the "WISE Explorer" badge that you can apply for in the EXPERIMENT space**
[![](file-guid:dd540735-94e6-4102-b0b1-d1a7a8261eee "image.png")](https://openbadgefactory.com/c/earnablebadge/RJGNSBaBN3aA0K/apply)
**:arrow_forward:** **After filling in the application form, go to [https://openbadgepassport.com](https://openbadgepassport.com) and accept the badge**
![](file-guid:c57a341f-168e-461d-b624-e529f8448fa9 "image.png" =500x)
**:arrow_forward: Set the badge to public mode and check the options according to what you want to make visible:**
* Display your name
* Evidence (these are documents, links or texts linked to the badge - see the dedicated explanation page)
* Linked badges (in some cases your badge is part of a collection of badges)
* **Community Map: needed to display your badge on the WISE PEOPLE map**
![](file-guid:27b0e7b1-1cde-4819-8187-a5e67cce3374 "image.png" =500x)
**:arrow_forward: In the Badges section of Open Badge Passport, options are available for sharing your badge**
![](file-guid:1a27c9d5-7255-4124-a685-7df4f1a4c728 "image.png" =500x)
**:arrow_forward: Back to the table of contents -> [English](wiki:/s/wise-badges/wiki/English#null "English")**