**:arrow_forward: If you need to increase the use value or confidence in your badge, you can request endorsements**
**:arrow_forward: Endorsement is recognition in the form of a recommendation or statement from your peers, supervisors or partners**
**:arrow_forward: Click on the required badge in the Badges section, then on the Endorsement(s) tab**
![](file-guid:3496f656-3b4f-43bf-8610-e761a080e311 "image.png" =500x)
:arrow_forward: **Click on Request Endorsement and choose the recipients. They can be external to Open Badge Passport (in this case enter the email address) or internal (search for their name)**
![](file-guid:58a9585b-6714-4501-af84-12a228591a49 "image.png" =500x)
:arrow_forward: **Write your endorsement request and send it. If the person agrees with your badge's claim, you will be notified of their positive response. This endorsement will appear on your badge**
![](file-guid:d4056ce8-2b47-4e70-af96-78710ea86826 "image.png" =500x)
![](file-guid:87268305-1326-4b98-91bc-541477b77f81 "image.png")
![](file-guid:dc4780bb-21e1-4d0c-baac-f502ae75a77a "image.png" =500x)
:arrow_forward: **You can also endorse a person's badge by going to their badge**
![](file-guid:d9519b37-52c4-459c-96a4-3f0c98010497 "image.png" =500x)
:arrow_forward: **Back to the table of contents -> [English](wiki:/s/wise-badges/wiki/English#null "English")**