:arrow_forward: **To promote your work on the subject of badges outside the cMOOC, go to the Badges section of your passport**
:arrow_forward: **Then click on the Evidence tab and add, for example, a link to your cMOOC profile**
![image.png](file-guid:dacbcf1c-f794-49b6-a0a7-0902ac819d4c "image.png" =500x)
![](file-guid:63ee2eb8-22e7-4a6c-94b5-59cdc48b3c67 "image.png" =500x)
**:arrow_forward: People who see your badge will now have access to your work**
![image.png](file-guid:2d75b8c8-8003-46b6-8118-6b1a673fa963 "image.png" =500x)
:arrow_forward: Back to the table of contents-> [English](wiki:/s/wise-badges/wiki/English#null "English")