:arrow_forward: To access all WISE badges, please click on the link to the Wall of WISE Badges in the space menu**
![](file-guid:3bf8c5d0-5d32-450c-b50f-ced0b2447467 "image.png" =150x)![](file-guid:26fa04a3-5a73-44d7-ae55-53255a8f5088 "image.png" =500x)
WISE badges are designed as milestones on the WISE journey. As one progresses through the cMOOC, badges can be claimed to show commitment to gender equality in STEM education and careers.
The badges claimed can then be shared on a personal page, Linkedin profile or Twitter post. They can also be shared in a dedicated WISE community space at [https://openbadgepassport.com](https://openbadgepassport.com)
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