We hope that you did find this cMOOC useful. As you probably know by now, a cMOOC is always “work in progress” also you are welcome to make suggestions to improve it.
We made the choice of HumHub as platform as we thought it was a good trade-off between providing some structure and enough freedom to contribute.
The cMOOC is contributory. It depends on the involvement of each of its members. If you have the time and inclination, you can ask to take on one of the following roles:
* **Librarian** - you locate and classify resources in the Library
* **Curator** - finding resources to add in the WISE RESOURCES space
* **Space facilitator** - guiding participants through the space cMOOC
* **Facilitator** - answer questions in the General Space
Send a message to the cMOOC administrators, they will give you the rights.
Thank you for your participation.
# Navigation
* [Objective of this space](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Objective+of+this+space "Objective of this space")
* [Explore and reflect](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Explore+and+reflect "Explore and reflect")
* [Practice](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Claim+a+badge "Claim a badge")
* You are here -> [To go further](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")