Objective of this space English
Last updated
The objective **TRANSFORM** is to provide a space for the people who have an interest in developing instruments that could be used by pupils, students, educators or parents to contribute to improve gender equality in STEM education and careers.
## From awareness to experimentation
One of the main challenges we have elicited to address gender equality in STEM is the move from “being aware” of the issue and “doing something” about it: while there are many excellent “awareness raising” gender equality programmes, most of the time, they fall short of a long a lasting impact. They tend to be “spray and pray”: spray the good word with the hope that something will happen afterwards.
## From experimentation to integration
The second challenge we have elicited is the move from experimentation to integration in professional practices of individuals and policies of institutions:
* What does it mean for a \[science\] teacher, a counsellor to have a professional practice that is conducive to gender equality in STEM?
* What does it mean for a school to develop a policy encouraging professional practices that are conducive to gender equality in STEM?
## Identifying and developing gender equality practices, policies and instruments
Knowing the challenges described above, your mission, should you accept it, is to curate resources and or develop instruments that would answer the following questions:
What instruments or interventions can be used to:
* Raise the awareness on the problem with gender equality in STEM
* Equip pupils, students, teachers and/or parents to explore solutions to improve gender equality in STEM education and careers?
* Integrate gender equality in professional practices and institutional policies?
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