Practice English
Last updated
## Introduction
If you have landed on this page, that means that you have:
* Explored [WISE Guidelines]( and the [Gender Equality Toolkits]( suggested in the previous section.
* Defined whether it is about integration in a practice and.or and institution;
* Posted on the [Stream]( your objective.
Your task now is to design a process through which you will transform your practice and/or your organisation’s policy to improve Gender Equality in STEM.
![><](file-guid:a0a6b7d0-0bbb-474f-a809-d02526a38d20 "image.png" =550x)If you are a teacher or working in an educational institution, to initiate the design of your integration, you could use [Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for Teachers and Teacher Educators]( where you will find tools like:
* **Ways to make curricula more gender responsive**
* \[…\]
* **B. Teacher educators, head teachers and teachers** •
* Inform themselves about existing policies for gender equality.
* Develop school- or institution-level policies for gender-equitable approaches to teaching and learning.
* Move beyond gender stereotypes and develop common values, culture and aspirations for gender equality.
* Get trained and empowered to analyse and challenge gender stereotyping and gender bias in curriculum materials, in language use and relations within the school, and in the community.
* Recognise the many pressures on female teachers, and encourage supportive networks and practices.
[![](file-guid:7a722aea-ae2c-49e3-8811-34d1627c728d "image.png" =x250)]( [![](file-guid:b9510c39-ee84-4565-a702-28bd2443b2e8 "Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 19.11.10.png" =x250)]( [![](file-guid:7345d9c6-119e-40c8-982b-3e89a1cb561d "image.png" =x250)]( [¶](
## Activity
Using the models provided in [A RESOURCE PACK FOR GENDER-RESPONSIVE STEM EDUCATION](, [Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for Teachers and Teacher Educators]( and [Design Principles and meta-scenarios](, in particular "*04: Mapping the Ecosystem To build and make visual the local support of gender equity*” design the plan for the integration of Gender Equality in your practice and/or your institution.
If you want to share your design, you can do so by sharing a file in the following places:
* [INTEGRATE Stream]( to share with the people registered in that Space
* [WISE Resources space]( in the Wiki and/or the files (you can use the Wiki to present your suggested practice.
Now, it’s to you!
# Navigation
* [Objectives of this space](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Objectives+of+this+space "Objectives of this space")
* [Explore and reflect](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Explore+and+reflect "Explore and reflect")
* You are here -> [Practice](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* Next -> [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Claim+a+badge "Claim a badge")
* [To go further](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")