Explore and reflect English
Last updated
## How to Move from experimentation to integration?
The main element of moving from experimentation to integration, is the ability of a community or organisation to make gender equality practices a defining element of its practice and policy. Things like annual reports of the state of gender equality, benchmarking exercices across organisations and communities.
For individuals, like teachers, the practice tends to be “gender equality conscious”, taking into account the elements that could attract or distract girls from STEM education. For example using gender-neutral language when appropriate.
This step is clearly the most difficult to address as it requires the full commitment of an organisation or a group of organisations as well as the commitment of the professionals working in those organisations.
Published in 2016, the “Institutional Transformation Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit, although not specific to STEM education and careers provides a number of interesting case studies and instruments, e.g.:
“**Guiding questions for dealing with the personnel dimension of gender equality**:
* Is there communication and knowledge about gender equality and how an institution is to implement gender mainstreaming?
* Is gender knowledge part of human resources development in terms of competence development?
* Do job descriptions include gender competence according to the respective task and do performance assessments also cover relevant gender competences?
* Is gender equality part of the information management system?
* Is there an internal equal opportunities policy which is actively followed and monitored?“
Below are practical toolkits for Gender Mainstreaming you are invited to review to explore the way Gender Equality can be implemented in your organisation and nurture your practice.
## [![](file-guid:e37338b4-e2d3-4551-9c05-84a04cb1cd71 "Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 18.22.39.png" =x200)](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=0958f62d-91ba-46d8-8996-2efda8d61898&download=1)[![](file-guid:2bfd4521-26b5-4fd4-96ee-b7a8659ab87b "Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 18.22.23.png" =x200)](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=b6dab529-822e-4eb6-adf2-e4b37aa588e9&download=1)[![](file-guid:461b0b3f-b934-4203-a20e-449bbbd7c85a "Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 18.22.04.png" =x200)](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=eaefaad3-e501-4587-a911-327ebaf1bb05&download=1)[![](file-guid:fae4bb90-da93-436f-9af1-4d52af800bc8 "Screenshot 2023-02-12 at 18.21.41.png" =x200)](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=9c0c950a-5515-4b89-81b7-afaa47d07a94&download=1)[![](file-guid:87a74a8d-631f-4767-b2fa-16b6945630b9 "image.png" =x200)](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=bde198a7-f661-48fe-af64-04618123d905&download=1)[![](file-guid:7345d9c6-119e-40c8-982b-3e89a1cb561d "image.png" =x200)](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=68743d3e-f889-4348-9c2b-d1b480cfc210&download=1)
## Activity
Your task at this stage is to
* Explore the [WISE Guidelines](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=60d20f9e-af67-43dd-b325-57d93482a997) and the toolkits indicated above;
* Define in large terms what is your objective;
* Post on the [Stream](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/transform/home) your objective then move to [Practice](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/transform/wiki/Practice "Practice").
Suggestion for the content of your post :
* Are you looking at integration in a practice (e.g. math teaching) or an institution
* The context (the problem, the stakeholders, etc.)
* The objective (what would you like to achieve)
## Navigation [¶](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/transform/wiki/Explore+and+reflect#navigation)
* [Objectives of this space](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Objectives+of+this+space "Objectives of this space")
* You are here -> [Explore and reflect](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Explore+and+reflect "Explore and reflect")
* Next -> [Practice](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Claim+a+badge "Claim a badge")
* [To go further](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")