One way to share your practice beyond the cMOOC is to create a badge to document your practice. To make it easy for you, we have created a badge that you. can claim which provides a form that you will be able to fill-in to share your practice with the rest of the world.
[![](file-guid:c19e7e1e-1693-4dfc-9125-f10e12f6e4c7 "image.png")]([![](file-guid:b6cb8841-81c7-4be4-a8a7-e07e0203e40e "image.png")](
# Navigation
* [Objectives of this space](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Objectives+of+this+space "Objectives of this space")
* [Explore and reflect](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Explore+and+reflect "Explore and reflect")
* [Practice](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* You are here -> [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/Claim+a+badge "Claim a badge")
* Next -> [To go further](wiki:/s/integrate/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")