# Take action
This section provides examples of actions that can be taken in your context.
Here are some ideas that we encourage you to try out.
* Data collection: setting up simple questionnaires to observe inequalities (Learners)
* Start a gender science club (Educators)
* Invite female researchers and other professionals to present their backgrounds (Educators)
* Organise role-playing and animation to "put yourself in the place of" (e.g. one character is not allowed to speak, another is only allowed to use certain words). (Learners)
* Draw up portraits of women scientists (forgotten or not), in writing or on video (Learners)
* Set up one or more equality ambassadors in classes or departments (Educators)
* Organise feedback sessions with parents (Parents)
* Visit FabLabs and CCSTI (Centre de diffusion de la culture scientifique)
* Visits to laboratories, engineering schools, universities
* Organise visits to factories or start-ups (Educators)
* Women-only working groups (Educators)
* Organise teacher training on gender awareness (Educators)
Use the stream to tell us about actions you have taken, or to ask questions or seek advice from those who have already experienced.
 Locate your organisation and please provide us some details on the action you took

# Navigation
* [Objectives of this space](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Objectives+of+this+space "Objectives of this space")
* [Learn and reflect](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Learn+and+reflect "Learn and reflect")
* You are here -> [Practice](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* Next -> [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Claim+or+share+a+badge "Claim or share a badge")
* [To go further](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")