The aim of this space is to experiment with practices in your context that reduce gender inequalities in STEM occupations and careers.
* Different activities are proposed in your school, social or professional environment to help you get into action.
* You will then be invited to apply for open badges to share your experiments or projects.
* Additional resources are also provided at the end of the course to deepen your knowledge.
* Please note that this MOOC is participatory, which means that you are free to propose your own resources, activity ideas or Open Badges to the community.

# Navigation
* You are here -> [Objectives of this space](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Objectives+of+this+space#null "Objectives of this space")
* Next -> [Learn and reflect](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Learn+and+reflect "Learn and reflect")
* [Practice](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Claim+or+share+a+badge "Claim or share a badge")
* [To go further](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/To+go+further#null "To go further")