# Making your actions visible
One initiative you can take is to become an explorer ! You can make this new role visible by applying for the badge and sharing it on social networks. This way you can discover other explorers around the world and connect with them.
You can also share a badge around an project you created in your context, or the creation of a group of practitionners !
Visit the Using Open Badges space to learn how to create one.

# Navigation
* [Objectives of this space](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Objectives+of+this+space "Objectives of this space")
* [Learn and reflect](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Learn+and+reflect "Learn and reflect")
* [Practice](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* You are here -> [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/Claim+or+share+a+badge "Claim or share a badge")
* Next ->[To go further](wiki:/s/experiment-english/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")