Practice English
Last updated
## Introduction
If you have landed on this page, that means that you have:
* Explored [WISE Guidelines]( and [Design Principles and meta-scenarios](;
* Defined which part of the pathway you would like to work on;
* Posted on the [Stream]( your objective.
Your task now is to design an intervention and/or an instrument a transition from one level to the next, for example *Moving from Awareness to Exploration*, something which is too often ignored in *Awareness Raising* interventions: participants in such interventions might be more “aware” but don’t know how to transform that awareness into tangible and efficient actions.
To initiate the design of your intervention/instrument, you should use the document [Design Principles and meta-scenarios]( and see how the meta-scenarios are used to create actual intervention scenarios and instruments.

## Activity
Using the models provided in [Design Principles and meta-scenarios](, design the template for your intervention/instrument. Although your template might be very different from the examples provided in this document, there is an underpinning rationale that you should have in mind:
* Participants induction
* Provide an activity to generate data
* *How will the data be collected (recording, form, spreadsheet, etc.)?*
* Reflect on data produced
* *What have we learned? What can we do with that learning?*
* Invitation to act/go further
* *How will the participants (and you) know that the intervention/instrument has been successful? What indicators? Short term, long term?*
If you want to share your design, you can do it by sharing a file in the following places:
* [TRANSFORM Stream]( to share with the people registered in that Space
* [WISE Resources space]( in the Wiki and/or the files (you can use the Wiki to present your suggested practice.
Now, it’s to you!
## Navigation
* [Objective of this space](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Objective+of+this+space "Objective of this space")
* [Explore and reflect](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Explore+and+reflect "Explore and reflect")
* You are here -> [Practice](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* Next -> [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Claim+a+badge "Claim a badge")
* [To go further](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")