Explore and reflect English
Last updated
## Introduction
Sustainable social change goes through four phases:
1. Development of awareness: of the problem, of its appearances, of your role in it
2. Exploring new social practices and experimenting with your and other one’s roles in it
3. Integration of new practices in existing systems and rituals (changing policies and rules)
4. Transformation: sustainable integration of new policies and rules, evaluation of success
Four levels of acting are involved:
1. The individual level: your personal perceptions and behaviours
2. The group level: your personal perceptions and behaviours in interaction with others
3. The organisational level: formal perceptions and behaviours of institutes
4. The societal level: perceptions and behaviours on regional and national scale
Together, we can plant new seeds by recognition through digital badging:
1. Become an OBSERVER of (good) practices
2. Become a TRIER and try something new
3. Become a CHANGE AGENT in your institute or community
4. Become a BROKER and cross borders to other institutes and communities
To design an intervention or an instrument addressing any of the different dimensions listed above, you should read and reflect on [Design Principles and meta-scenarios](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=2f0b3b11-6121-4c75-bc40-0b565418eede&download=1). The document suggests a method and provide examples of the application of those meta-scenarios:

The background of [Design Principles and meta-scenarios](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=2f0b3b11-6121-4c75-bc40-0b565418eede&download=1) is based on the Gender Equality Matrix on which this cMOOC is also based. The next figures propose two version of the *matrix*, one focused on the individuals, the other on organisations and communities.

The two matrices are also available in the [WISE Guidelines](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=60d20f9e-af67-43dd-b325-57d93482a997) where you will find the description of the WISE Pathway:
1. Raising Awareness
2. From Awareness to Exploration
3. From Exploration to Integration
4. From Integration to Transformation

## Activity
Your task at this stage is to :
* Explore two documents [WISE Guidelines](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=60d20f9e-af67-43dd-b325-57d93482a997) and [Design Principles and meta-scenarios](https://social.wisebadges.eu/file/file/download?guid=2f0b3b11-6121-4c75-bc40-0b565418eede&download=1);
* Define which part of the pathway you would like to work on;
* Post on the [Stream](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/transform/home) your objective then move to [Practice](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/transform/wiki/Practice "Practice").
Suggestion for the content of your post :
* Which part of the WISE Pathway are you planning to work on (1. Raising Awareness, 2. From Awareness to…)
* The context (the problem, the stakeholders, etc.)
* The objective (what would you like to achieve)
## Navigation
* [Objective of this space](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Objective+of+this+space "Objective of this space")
* You are here -> [Explore and reflect](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Explore+and+reflect "Explore and reflect")
* Next ->[Practice](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Practice "Practice")
* [Claim a badge](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/Claim+a+badge "Claim a badge")
* [To go further](wiki:/s/transform/wiki/To+go+further "To go further")