# Architecture
You are in a cMOOC, which is a loosely organised online community of learners focused on the topic of gender inequalities in STEM.
The architecture of this cMOOC has been designed to allow you to :
* access learning content and activities
* interact with other participants
* contribute to the sharing of resources
* value your commitment and learning through Open Badges
Depending on whether you are an individual (student, parent, educator), a group, an organisation or a community, you can participate in different ways. The primary objective of this project is to move you from awareness to action.
# Spaces
In the learning spaces, you will be invited to :
* learn and reflect by accessing resources (videos, documents)
* contribute to discussions and the WISE map of places and practices
* take action
* accept challenges

:point_right: [More about the spaces](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/guidehelp/wiki/Participating+in+a+space)
# Communication
As this cMOOC is international, participants can express themselves in their own language and automatic translation is provided. This is very useful for exchanges between different cultures!

# Open Badges
In our cMOOC, Open Badges will be used to make visible :
* People, communities and organisations supporting gender equality in STEM (and beyond!)
* Practices leading to gender equality
* And much more...
:point_right: [More about Open Badges](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/wise-badges/wiki/overview/list-categories)
# Want to join the cMOOC?
Register by clicking on the button in the top banner of the site[](https://social.wisebadges.eu/user/auth/login)