:raised_back_of_hand: It is recommended that you read the cMOOC guide before starting and set up your account. But you can do this at any time.
![](file-guid:58361f85-047e-4345-a612-7b89f1c20a30 "image.png")
If you are ready, you can do your first activity :point_down:
# Introduce yourself to other participants
Before you start participating in a space, you can introduce yourself in the news feed of that general space
![](file-guid:71620cae-2769-4379-aeb4-cb1659e468e5 "image.png" =500x)
:raised_back_of_hand: Thanks to the translation feature, you can view the presentations in other languages
When you have finished your presentation, you can start your pathway
Click here :point_right: [![](file-guid:aae465ea-ef04-48f9-a074-5b419dc32814 "image.png")](https://social.wisebadges.eu/s/discover-english/wiki/Objectives+of+this+space)